All About Earl Grey Tea

What is earl grey black tea

What is Earl Grey Tea?

Earl Grey is polarizing. You might love it or hate it. But some people are sitting here thinking... what is it?

Well, I'll tell you. It's basically a black tea flavored with bergamot.

What's Bergamot?? What Does Earl Grey Tea Taste Like?

Okay, okay. I'll explain. Earl grey has a defining citrusy flavor because of bergamot, which is a fruit similar to an orange or a lemon, but lesser known. The bergamot fruit actually comes from Italy. Its flavor profile leans lemony, with hints of flower and spice.

Georgia Grey, loose - Thistle & Sprig Tea Co.

And just FYI, any high quality Earl Grey tea will be flavored with a true bergamot oil, rather than artificial or natural flavors.

About the tea leaves itself, which also contribute to the flavor... Earl Grey traditionally uses black tea, such as Assam, Keemun, and/or Ceylon. Any of those will give it a briskness, often with malty, honey, earthy, and/or woodsy notes. But you may also find some more inventive Earl Greys that are actually green teas or herbal teas. And we offer our award-winning Georgia Grey, which is Earl Grey with rosemary.

How To Drink Earl Grey Tea

Enjoy your Earl Grey like any other black tea. You can steep it in boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes. Remove the tea bag or strainer and enjoy. (If it's loose leaf tea, save those leaves for another round.) You might add lemon to bump up the citrusy note, or honey to bring out those more nuanced flavors.

We do suggest, if you have a variable temperature kettle, do try steeping it at 200F, just under boiling, instead of at 212 (boiling), as it's a tad gentler on the bergamot oil.

Can you drink Earl Grey with Milk?

The big question with earl grey is: How do you take it? Plain (a classic), with lemon and honey (also a classic) or... with milk?? (gasp!)

This question is quite controversial. Black tea is often consumed with milk or cream, but some tea purists say dairy and citrus don't go together. And yes, if you have a poor quality tea with citric acid in there, then your milk will curdle when you add it to the tea. But a high quality tea won't really curdle.

And even the Queen of England enjoyed her daily cup of Earl Grey with milk, so if you're partial to the British way, I think it's safe to say it's okay.

How Do You Make a London Fog?

If you're a fan of the bergamot and milk combo, and also a fan of delicious beverages, why not give a steamed tea latte a try. One of the most delightful ways to drink Earl Grey is to make it a London Fog. Simply steep the tea on the strong side (boiling water, 5 minutes) then top with steamed milk and a drizzle of vanilla simple syrup. We even make our own twist on the London Fog using our popular Hazy Grey tea blendwe call it the Hazy Fog.

The History of Earl Grey - Why is it Called Earl Grey?

While the British have popularized this particular tea, scented teas originated in China, the birthplace of all tea. It's likely that Earl Grey originated in China as well, although the history of the blend is as hazy as our Hazy Grey.

Old rumors say that a Chinese official presented the first Earl Grey tea as a gift to the 2nd Earl of Grey, Charles Grey, Prime Minister from 1830 to 1834. The Earl had supposedly saved the man's son from drowning and the gift was given in thanks. There are several variants to this tale, and who knows how true the story is. Nevertheless, Earl Grey supposedly had the blend reformulated by a teamaker and that has given us tea and its name. 

Potential Benefits of Drinking Earl Grey Tea

Energy booster: If you prefer a daily dose of caffeine, Earl Grey is a great option to boost your energy levels. It contains a moderate amount of caffeine, typically somewhere between a third to a half a cup of coffee.

Health benefits: Both bergamot and black tea contain polyphenols, antioxidants linked with a variety of health benefits, from heart health and brain health to digestion and reduced inflammation. Bergamot also contains flavanones, which may reduce the activity of cholesterol-producing enzymes in your body. 

Disclaimer: This is not health advice and should not be taken as such. Information on this blog and website are opinions and not statements of fact. Plants are potent and can have medicinal effects and impacts not stated herein. Consult your health care provider before consuming tea or making any changes to your diet, especially if you have a health condition, are pregnant, or are taking medication.