Tea Blog

Switching From Coffee To Tea?
You may be trying to quit coffee completely for health benefits, or because of unwanted side effects. You may simply be trying to reduce your caffeine intake. It may be because tea is less acidic than coffee or is less...
Is Tea Hydrating?
Is Tea Hydrating or Dehydrating?  Water, water, water. More water. Are you having trouble staying hydrated? Are you looking for something else to hydrate you besides water? Or maybe you already drink tons of tea, and you’re wondering… Is tea...
What's the Deal with Pyramid Tea Bags?
There’s tea bags. There’s loose leaf. Then there’s… pyramid sachets? What are those exactly?? We call them pyramid tea bags because that’s exactly what they are: a type of tea bag designed with more of a pyramid shape, as opposed...
All About Matcha
Tea gardens.   In May 2023, we went to Japan, visited the birthplace of matcha, and met with tea suppliers.  We saw how tea is processed and ground using traditional and modern grinding methods. We sampled a range of matcha...
Does Caffeine Make You Jittery?
You drink a large cup of coffee and suddenly, you're feeling anxious. shaky. Jittery. Is it the coffee that's making you shaky? Can caffeine give you the jitters?? Yes, it definitely can. What Are Caffeine Jitters? Why Does Caffeine Make...
All About Earl Grey Tea
What is Earl Grey Tea? Earl Grey is polarizing. You might love it or hate it. But some people are sitting here thinking... what is it? Well, I'll tell you. It's basically a black tea flavored with bergamot. What's Bergamot??...
What is Chamomile Tea Good For, Anyway?
You keep hearing about it. Everybody's drinking it. Why? Is chamomile tea good for you? What does it do exactly? And should you be drinking it?? What Is Chamomile? Chamomile is a dainty yellow and flower in the daisy family....
Drinking Loose Leaf Tea: What Is It And How To Prepare It
WHAT IS LOOSE TEA? Loose tea, or loose leaf tea, might sound fancy. But it's a lot more straightforward than you think!  We're used to tea coming in tea bags, and loose tea is just tea without the bag. With...
Is Green Tea Supposed To Be Bitter?
Does Green Tea Taste Good? Green tea is supposed to taste good, right? Everyone says it tastes amazing, it's so good for you, and then you have a cup and it tastes...awful. Like mucky and bland and bitter. So why...
How to Make Iced Tea at Home
Interested in making iced tea at home? It's not as difficult as you might think. Once you get get started, you'll find it's pretty easy to brew up a big pitcher—and definitely worth the effort. Here we go over a...