Switching From Coffee To Tea?

tea on windowsill

You may be trying to quit coffee completely for health benefits, or because of unwanted side effects. You may simply be trying to reduce your caffeine intake. It may be because tea is less acidic than coffee or is less prone to giving you the "coffee jitters." Whatever the reason, it feels like a hurdle. But you can do it!

Switching from Coffee to Tea: The Transition

Calling it Quits

It's so difficult! And perhaps you keep trying but it just doesn't stick. Nothing tastes the same as your delicious coffee, or wakes you up as fast. The key is finding a replacement beverage that you truly love. You may have tried tea before, but read on for some quality tips on getting that transition to stick.

Alternatives to Cold Turkey

If you don't want to give up your morning cup of joe (and your doctor isn't telling you to), try simply limiting your intake and rotating in tea for those second or third cups of coffee.

Black and green teas are a great option for a late-morning or afternoon-pick-me-up, and herbal teas are a lovely way to unwind in the evenings.

Now here are some tips on switching from coffee to tea!

How Much Caffeine A Day Can You Drink?

This might take some trial and error, but it's good to have a baseline idea of how much caffeine you want to take in.

Rules of Thumb

One cup of coffee contains ~ 100 mg. This is for an 8-oz cup; keep in mind if you fill a tall mug or order a large coffee, this is more like 150 mg. The max recommended caffeine intake per day is 400 mg, but you likely want to have less.

So are you shooting for less caffeine? No caffeine?

One cup of black tea contains ~ 50 mg or 1/2 cup of coffee's worth. This is a great option especially when you are first weaning yourself off morning coffee.

One cup of green tea contains 30 mg to 50 mg, or 1/3 to 1/2 a cup of coffee. These teas are generally a little bit lighter in caffeine content than black tea but some can be equivalent.

Our matcha green tea has 25 mg to 50 mg per serving, depending on if you use 1 gram or 2 grams per cup. (Our matcha has 25 mg caffeine per gram). Additionally matcha is high in theanine, which may alleviate some of the negative side effects of caffeine.

Herbal teas are caffeine free. If you are looking to go strictly caffeine-free, or want an afternoon pick-me-up without the buzz, then herbal teas are where you want to look.

Don't Expect A Coffee Substitute to Taste Like Coffee.

What are the best teas to switch to from coffee?

Nothing will ever taste just like coffee, especially if you're craving it. Instead, go for a distinct tea that has some flavors that appeal personally to you.

Like fruity, or floral, or spice? Find a tea with a strong personality. Good quality tea should taste great on its own, but you can punch it up in a variety of ways with local raw honey, lemon, steamed milk (or milk alternative), lavender simple syrup, etc.

Tea Flavors That Make Good Coffee Substitutes:

Some things that people gravitate to:

  • Earl Grey - a black tea flavored with the unique, almost intoxicating citrusy flavor of bergamot
  • Spiced Chai - an Indian spiced black tea often taken sweet and with milk. Simmer it on the stove instead of steeping it for more intense flavor.
  • Jasmine Green Tea - another distinct flavor gained by scenting green tea with jasmine blossoms. This kind of tea that is usually served in Chinese restaurants, so if you liked it there, get a high
  • Red Rooibos - rooibos is its own unique thing. It steeps up a deep red color, and like chai, you can even boil it on the stove to get a richer flavor. It's naturally caffeine-free but offers healthy antioxidants like green and black tea.
  • Herbal Teas - herbal teas, aka tisanes, are a whole wide world unto themselves. The range of flavors are virtually unlimited, but some of the more popular ones to try out are: mint, ginger, hibiscus, or chamomile. 
  • Iced Teas - you can make any tea a refreshing cold beverage! You're familiar with the classic, iced black tea (and this here's a good one) but if you are adventurous, you can also experiment with more exotic things like iced hibiscus or iced earl grey lattes. The great thing about iced tea is you can brew up a batch and keep a pitcher in the fridge so that you always have something tasty on hand to drink.
Jasmine Serenity Green Tea


American Breakfast Black Tea


Choose a High Quality, Loose Leaf Tea

Lastly, if you are in the throes of a craft coffee addictionyou grind your own beans, buy freshly roasted from a local shop, you care about flavor profiles, acidity, etc.then please consider a high quality tea. And do yourself a favor: pick up a reusable tea steeper to brew up quality loose teas. It will open up a world of flavors.

As always, be aware that this is not health advice and should not be taken as such. Plants are potent and can have medicinal effects and impacts not stated herein. Please consult with your doctor before making any changes, especially if you have a health condition, are pregnant, or are taking medication.